AGETAZ - an atlas of gene expression in the adult zebrafish brain
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The Atlas of Gene Expression in the Telencephalon of Adult Zebrafish (AGETAZ) is an expression atlas of transcription factors (TFs) and transcription related factors expressed in the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) telencephalon. This database is a follow-up of the fish factor database (FFdb), which is a collection of TF expression patterns in the embryonic zebrafish. AGETAZ aims to map all TFs expressed in the adult telencephalon of this model organism. It provides a fast way to find TFs which are expressed in any telencephalic region that is of interest to you (E-zones). Thus, AGETAZ can be used to identify new markers of distinct nuclei and cell types existing in the zebrafish telencephalon.

Query the AGETAZ dataset

You can either browse through the whole dataset, select only one specific gene or search for a gene by its name or identifier from the most common databases. Furthermore, the cluster analysis of gene expression can be utilised to determine co-expressed genes in specific expression domains.

Browse AGETAZ sorted by one of the topics in the menue

Browse through the whole dataset sorted by gene name, the internal identifier "ita-id" or concentrate only on those genes with a full set of images.

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Select Your gene of interest from the menue

The menu includes all genes present in the AGETAZ dataset. Select your gene of interest to obtain the detailed information contained in the summary page.

Search for a specific term

Search for the expression pattern of a gene in the adult telencephalon by its name, identifier (Zfin, UniGene, GenBank, RefSeq, Ensembl) or its human ortholog.


Cluster analysis of gene expression

To analyse co-expressed genes in specific regions of the adult zebrafish telencephalon, click the image.