Screening service
Genetic and chemical screens
EZRC will organize collaborative screens where KIT will provide the facilities (including our high-throughput screening pipeline), biological material, software and coordination, while guests bring their own assays. We expect to screen mainly TILLING mutants which will be continuously supplied by the Sanger Institute (approx. 4 families representing a total of 60 KOs per week).
We also offer chemical screening in specific zebrafish lines. Screens can be performed by guest researchers themselves or as a service.
Resources of the screening facility
We have established a pipeline for high-throughput, high-content studies that includes:
- Automated embryo sorters
- Automated imaging systems for behavioral studies
- Robotic microscopes (Olympus Scan^R, enabled for automated and high resolution screening)
- Digital light sheet microscopy (DSLM).
Several chemical libraries are available in-house. In addition the Complat platform can provide custom libraries for optimization of lead compounds.
Further information is available at the Screening Center website.